Who We Are
At Bao Anh Beauty, your satisfaction is our number one priority. Since 2000, we’ve provided the city of Westminster with a wide range of quality products and personalized Beauty Salon services that are catered specifically to your needs. We are fueled by the desire to have you feeling and looking great. Swing by to start looking and feeling amazing!
From the Owner
Beauty is my passion. I have spent more than a decade studying, pursuing, and perfecting this filed of interest. I am always making all of my clients happy and satisfied with my works.
I am specialized in all types of Skin, Facial and Eyelashes along with many other services.
With more than 10 years of beauty experiences, I will make you look stunning and alluring. Please give me a call at (714) 342-9994 and you will be astonished for many days :)
Thank you,
Bao Anh
Quality Services for Dashing Results
Learn About What We Offer
Acne Treatments
From $50
From $90
Facial Treatments
From $70
Our Beauty Menu
Appointment Only
Mon - Fri: 11am - 7pm
Sat: 11 am - 7pm
Sun: 11 am - 7pm
9356 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CA 92683​
(714) 342 9994
Let the beauty we love
be what we do!
Gallery Title
Bao Anh Beauty gives you the best skin of your life. We offer facial, special skin care lifting program, DNA collagen, stem cells Nano, professional pores laser, smooth beauty brighter, collagen rejuvenation, pigmentation treatment, skin whitening rejuvenation, acne treatment by laser, melassa treatment by IPL, and eyelashes extensions.